
GUI parts library for Web application using WebComponents

Project maintained by g200kg Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Basic Usage :

Advanced Usage and Application Notes :

Non-Linear Knobs / Sliders

In some cases, you may want the knob to vary nonlinear changes with respect to the rotation of the knob. For example, a knob for setting a frequency in the range of 20Hz to 20,000Hz will make an exponential change with rotation.
There are two approaches to realize a knob that changes nonlinearly.
The ‘log’ attribute simply makes the number change curve an exponential change, and the ‘conv’ attribute allows for more complex behavior.

“log” attribute

If you specify log=”1” as an attribute, the change in value will be exponential.
In this mode, the value increases at the same rate for a fixed rotation angle of the rotating knob. For example, if min=”1” and max=”100”, it will be “10” in the center of the knob.
value must be able to reach from min value to max value in geometric progression. So be aware that min cannot be 0.

<webaudio-knob id="knob0" min="1" max="100" log="1"></webaudio-knob>
<webaudio-param link="knob0"></webaudio-param>

“conv” attribute

The’conv’ attribute can specify a conversion function. The value of the knob changes linearly, but the value passed through the conversion function is stored as convValue. This is a example of converting a value from 0 to 100 exponentially from 1 to 10000 by “conv” attribute.

Here the conv attribute is conv="Math.pow(10000,x/100)", it means the knob’s raw value range 0-100 is converted to exponential 1-10000.

If use with <webaudio-param>, it will show the convValue.
When using with webaudio-param, by adding an inverse conversion expression to the rconv of webaudio-param attribute, directly number-edit in webaudio-param will be possible.

To get converted value, use knob.convValue instead of knob.value.
Note that the convValue is a string, then you can make more complex display not only number values.

<webaudio-knob id="knob1" conv="Math.pow(10000,x/100)"></webaudio-knob>
<webaudio-param link="knob1" rconv="Math.log10(x)/4*100"></webaudio-param>
Raw Value : knob.value = 0
Converted Value : knob.convValue = 1

With this approach, it is possible to realize a knob that has a special action other than exponential change.
The following example changes exponentially from “20” to “20000” for the change of value 0-100, and if the converted value is 1000 or over, “kHz” is displayed, otherwise “Hz”.

function valueconv(x){
  x = 20 * Math.pow( 1000, x / 100 );
  if(x &lt;= 1000) return x.toFixed(2) + " Hz";
  return (x/1000).toFixed(2) + " kHz";
<webaudio-knob id="knob2" valuetip="1" min="0" max="100" conv="valueconv">
<webaudio-param link="knob2" width="80">